Past Event

Songline Your Way Through Australian Landscapes

Grab your cultural passport of rhythm and sound this NAIDOC Week in Darling Quarter!

Join us in Darling Quarter on Wednesday, July 5 from 12PM to 1PM in the Civic Connector to witness the power of songlines first-hand from Murraywa Dow, a versatile and energetic First Nations performer hailing from Cape York Peninsula and Murray Island.

Murraywa captivates his audiences with his mesmerising yidaki (otherwise known as didgeridoo) and magnetic stage presence. Effortlessly, he embodies the vibrant, traditional First Nations mainland culture through dance, proudly embracing his Islander and Indigenous ancestry, instilled with deep appreciation by his family and wise Elders

A songlines performance holds great cultural significance in the First Nations community, transcending language through sound, rhythm and dance, and having passed from Elder to Elder over time. These traditional songs are the mappings of country, marking directions of travels and journeys during Dreamtime, which are memorised by travellers to know the route to their destination.

Fun fact: many of the routes shared through songlines are now known today as modern highways and roads across Australia, such as Princes Highway!

Songline Your Way Through Australian Landscapes

Wednesday, July 5 from 12PM to 1PM


1 Harbour St, Sydney NSW 2000

Get directions


Map, showing Songline Your Way Through Australian Landscapes