Eat & Drink

Blackbird Cafe

Balcony Level 1
Cockle Bay Wharf
Darling Harbour

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Opening Hours

11am - 9.30pm Mon - Wed
11am - 10pm Thu
11am - 12am Fri
8.30am - 12am Sat

Map, showing Blackbird Cafe

Blackbird Cafe is fast becoming a Sydney icon thanks to its buzzing atmosphere, great food and wild DJ nights.

On a balcony overlooking Darling Harbour, you’ll find Blackbird Cafe, a bustling bar and restaurant serving Australian food including brunch, lunch, dinner and drinks.

This massive space includes a sunny balcony with harbour views, a generous central bar and a buzzing atmosphere.

Come when the sun’s up and grab brunch or lunch, or drop in at night for drinks, dinner and a dance.