Dive into a world of quirky entertainment with hilarious synchronised swimming shows, mesmerising bubble-blowing, and playful roving performances like Bouncy Tennis Players and mischievous seagulls.
Groove to the infectious beats of DJs and live music while enjoying the waterfront vibes. Find a shady spot to relax and soak up the summer sun, or grab a bite to eat at one of our many delicious restaurants.
With a jam-packed program of exciting events and activities, Darling Harbour is the ultimate destination this Summer.
Looking for more summer fun? Check out all the exciting things to do at Barangaroo and The Rocks!
Our top picks
Warner Movies at Darling Quarter
AO25 Live Site with Channel 9 and Stan Sport
Sydney Festival
AGNSW x STORYBOX: Cao Fei - Dancing on the Streets
Pedal Boats
This summer, the Australian National Maritime Museum buzzes with exciting exhibitions, hands-on activities, LEGO® building, roving performers, and a deep sea disco—endless fun for kids of all ages!