The Emperor's Quest
See & Do

The Emperor's Quest

Pier Street
Cnr Harbour Street
Darling Harbour

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Opening Hours

10am - 5pm daily
Closed Good Friday and Christmas Day

Map, showing The Emperor's Quest

Can you find the 12 animals of the Chinese lunar calendar that are hidden in the Garden?

The 12 animals of the Chinese lunar calendar are hidden in the Chinese Garden of Friendship. Each one has its own character and a whole treasure chest of legends—and one of the animals is you.

A new adventure for the whole family, The Emperor’s Quest will take you on a fascinating journey into the ancient world of the Chinese zodiac, known as ‘Sheng Xiao’ or ‘birth sign’.

Use your special Emperor’s Quest map and viewfinder to follow the winding pathways of the Chinese Garden and seek out all the hidden legends.

DISCOVER each animal sculpture using the clues…
EXPLORE the sculpture to learn about the zodiac and the secrets of the Chinese Garden…
REVEAL your animal and find out which one your brother, sister, parents and friends are…
FIND all 12 sculptures and you’ve successfully completed the quest!

The quest is available to play during normal garden opening hours, is suitable for children aged 5 to 12 years and is free with garden entry. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Ages: 5-12 years
Cost: Included with garden entry - view admission prices



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